Lossless mining
Liquidity pledge-free
Reward 120 Million USDT
Pool data
Total output
0.0000 TRX
Valid node
User Revenue
0.0000 USDT
Liquidity mining income
Supercomputing miner
Help center
Hope it helps you
  • How do i need to join?

    Participating in non-destructive and non-guaranteed liquidity mining requires payment of TRX miner fees to receive the replacement gold coupons, and the TRX wallet address only needs to be claimed once. Automatically open mining permissions after success.

  • How to calculate income?

    When you join successfully, the smart contract starts to calculate your address through the node and start to calculate the revenue.

  • What is the yield percentage rate?

    The yield below 20000USDT Rate≈3%,

    20000USDT-50000USDT yield Rate≈4%,

    50000USDT-100000USDT yield Rate≈5%,

    100000USDT-300000USDT yield Rate≈6%,

    300000USDT-600000USDT yield Rate≈8% (limited to 100 places worldwide),

    and 600000USDT yield Rate≈10% (limited to 50 places worldwide)

  • How do i withdraw money?

    USDT withdrawals will be automatically sent to the wallet address you added to the node, other addresses are not supported.

  • Friends recommendation reward

    Send your invitation link, and your friends will join the node through your link, and you will receive generous token rewards.You can get 20% of the income of the referrer.

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